współpracownik w jednostce Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
Irena Księżopolska
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Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
Terminy konsultacji dla studentów
Monday 15:30-16:30
Saturday B 17:00-17:30
Koordynowane przedmioty
2015Z - PNJA - Tłumaczenia biznesowe pisemne PH3161PHSP
2016L - M.A .Proseminar PHM2SE01PH
2016L - Proseminarium PHM2NP22PH
2016Z - Introduction to literature PHB1SE/A09
2017Z - Historia literatury amerykańskiej PAB5NP11PA-Z17
2017Z - Proseminar PAB5SE001-Z17
2017Z - Proseminarium PAB5NP001-Z17
2017Z - Zarządzanie zasobami treści PHB1NP17PH-Z17
2017Z - Zarządzanie zasobami treści PHB1SP18PH-Z17
2018L - British Literature - Survey Course PAB2SE11PA-L18
2018L - Contemporary literature of the English language area PAB6SE11PA-L18
2018L - Historia języka angielskiego PAB4NP11PA-L18
2018L - Historia języka angielskiego PAB4SP12PA-L18
2018L - History of English language PAB4SE13PA-L18
2018L - Język w komunikacji międzykulturowej PAB2NP22PA-L18
2018L - Language in Intercultural Communication PAB2SE22PA-L18
2018L - Literatura brytyjska - Kurs przeglądowy PAB2NP14PA-L18
2018L - Literatura brytyjska - Studium 1 PAB2NP13PA-L18
2018L - Public speaking and presentations PAB2SE19PA-L18
2018L - Readings in British Literature 1 PAB2SE20PA-L18
2018L - Sztuka wystąpień publicznych PAB2NP19PA-L18
2018L - Sztuka wystąpień publicznych PAB2SP19PA-L18
2018L - Wychowanie fizyczne 2 PAB2SP21PE-L18
2018Z - American Literature - Survey Course PAB3SE10PA-Z18
2018Z - Angielski w literaturze i filmie PAB1NP11PA-Z17
2018Z - Czytanie i dyskusje PAB1NP12PA-Z17
2018Z - English in literature and film PAB1SE11PA-Z17
2018Z - Introduction to Marketing PAB3SE12MN-Z18
2018Z - Literatura Amerykańska - Kurs przeglądowy PAB3NP10PA-Z18
2018Z - Literatura amerykańska - Studium 1 PAB3NP12PA-Z18
2018Z - Proseminar PAB5SE001-Z17
2018Z - Proseminarium PAB5NP001-Z17
2018Z - Public Speaking and Presentations PAB1SE10PA-Z18
2018Z - Reading and Discussion PAB1SE18PA-Z17
2018Z - Readings in American Literature 1 PAB3SE13PA-Z18
2018Z - Sztuka prezentacji publicznych PAB1NP10PA-Z18
2018Z - Technologie informacyjne PAB1NP18CI-Z17
2019L - Contemporary literature of the English language area PAB6SE11PA-L18
2019L - Elective: Readings in British Literature 2 PDW-PA-BSEPA01
2019L - Final Exam PAB601
2019L - Proseminar PAB5SE001-Z17
2019L - Proseminarium PAB4NP15PA-L19
2019Z - Close Reading and Textual Analysis (PE) PAM1SP15PA-Z19
2019Z - Elective: Readings in American Literature 2 PDW-PA-BSEPA10
2020L - Elective course 1: Readings in British Literature 2 PAB4SE25PA-L20
2020L - Final Exam PAB601
2020L - Proseminar PAB4SE14PA-L20
2020L - Proseminar MA PAM2SP13PA-L20
2020L - Proseminarium PAB4NP15PA-L19
2020L - Textual Analysis 1 (PE) 1/2 PAB2NP14PA-L20
2020L - Textual Analysis 1 (PE) 1/2 PAB2SE14PA-L20
2020Z - Close Reading and Textual Analysis (PE) PAM1SP15PA-Z19
2020Z - Contemporary literature of the English Language Area PAB5NP01PA-Z20
2020Z - Critical Thiking Seminar (PE) PAB3NP02PA-Z20
2020Z - Film Adaptations of Literary Works PAM3SP02PA-Z20
2020Z - Reading and Discussion (PE) 2/2 PAB1NP19PA-Z19
2021L - English in Literature, Film and the Arts (PE) PAB2NP15PA-L20
2021L - Final Exam PAB601
2021L - Masterpieces of World Literature PAM4SE001PA
2021L - New Readings of Key Texts in Anglophone Cultures PAM2SE006PA-PDW
2021L - Proseminar PAM2SE008PA
2021L - Proseminar MA PAM2NP006PA
2021L - Reading and Discussion (PE) 2/2 PAB1SE18PA-Z19
2021L - Readings in British Literature PAB4NP002PA-PDW
2021L - Textual Analysis 1 (PE) 2/2 PAB2SE10PA-L20
2021Z - Final Exam PAB601
2021Z - Literature and Visual Arts PAM3SE001-PDW
2022L - Studies in the Narrative & Storytelling PAM2SE013PA-PDW
Prowadzone przedmioty
2015Z - PNJA - Tłumaczenia biznesowe pisemne PH3161PHSP:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1), Konwersatorium (grupa 2)
2016L - Stylistics of the English Language PHM2SE06PH:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1), Konwersatorium (grupa 2)
2016Z - Film Adaptations of Literary Works PHM3SE/A05:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1), Konwersatorium (grupa 2)
2016Z - The Contemporary British Novel Since the 1960s PHM3SE/A06:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1), Konwersatorium (grupa 2)
2018Z - Readings in American Literature 1 PAB3SE13PA-Z18:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1), Konwersatorium (grupa 2)
2020L - Elective course 1: Readings in British Literature 2 PAB4SE25PA-L20:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2020Z - Contemporary literature of the English Language Area PAB5NP01PA-Z20:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2020Z - Reading and Discussion (PE) 2/2 PAB1SE18PA-Z19:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1), Ćwiczenia (grupa 2), Ćwiczenia (grupa 4)
2021L - English in Literature, Film and the Arts (PE) PAB2NP15PA-L20:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1), Ćwiczenia (grupa 2)
2021L - Textual Analysis 1 (PE) 2/2 PAB2SE10PA-L20:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1), Ćwiczenia (grupa 2), Ćwiczenia (grupa 3)
2022L - Contemporary Literature of the Anglophone World - only for students with Polish language level B2 (Polish High School Diploma, ECL exam or State Certificate in Polish as a Foreign Language) PAB6NP013PA-PDW:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)