Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
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English II [JOB2SE-SJO-Ak] Semestr zimowy 2022/2023
Ćwiczenia, grupa nr 266

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Przedmiot: English II [JOB2SE-SJO-Ak]
Zajęcia: Semestr zimowy 2022/2023 [2022Z] (zakończony)
Ćwiczenia [C], grupa nr 266 [pozostałe grupy]
Termin i miejsce: Podana informacja o terminie jest orientacyjna. W celu uzyskania pewnej informacji obejrzyj kalendarz roku akademickiego lub skontaktuj się z wykładowcą (nieregularności zdarzają się przede wszystkim w przypadku zajęć odbywających się rzadziej niż co tydzień).
każdy czwartek, 12:30 - 14:25
sala Teams/Platon(online)
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Terminy najbliższych spotkań: Daty odbywania się zajęć grupy. Prezentują informacje na podstawie zdefiniowanych w USOS terminów oraz spotkań.
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Data i miejsceProwadzący
Liczba osób w grupie: 1
Limit miejsc: (brak danych)
Zaliczenie: Egzamin/zaliczenie na ocenę/zal w skali zal-std2
Prowadzący: Marta Burdzel
Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Business Partner B2; Iwonna Dubicka, et al, Pearson

Zakres tematów: (tylko po angielsku)


Unit 1.1 Workplace culture

Video: Types of market research

Vocabulary: Terms in market research

Project: How market research affects brand

Unit 1.2 Working with a focus group

Listening: A focus group about a new app

Grammar: Question tags

Pronunciation: Intonation in questions tags

Speaking: Catching up with an old friend

Unit 1.3 Communication skills: Carrying on a needs analysis

Video: The needs of a new client

Functional language: Using leading and open questions to effect

Pronunciation: Indian English pronunciation

Task: Agreeing details of a corporate event

Unit 1.4 Business skills: Dealing with questions

Video: The needs of a new client

Functional language: Using leading and open questions to effect

Pronunciation: Indian English pronunciation

Task: Agreeing details of a corporate event

Unit 1.5 Writing: Reports -Summary findings

Model text: Summary findings from a report

Functional language: Summarising findings of a report or survey

Grammar: Reporting verb patterns

Task: Write a summary of survey findings

Business workshop 1: Improving the image

Listening: A crisis management meeting

Reading: Market research options

Task: Prepare a market research plan to improve the brand image


Unit 2.1 Manager or mentor?

Video: How can bosses help develop staff?

Vocabulary: Giving back

Project: An ideal mentor

Unit 2.2 Kindness or success?

Reading: Why it can be cruel to be kind in the workplace

Grammar: Cleft sentences

Pronunciation: Intonation in cleft sentences

Speaking: Discussing statements about yourself

Unit 2.3 Communication skills: Changing an agreement

Reading: Why it can be cruel to be kind in the workplace

Grammar: Cleft sentences

Pronunciation: Intonation in cleft sentences

Speaking: Discussing statements about yourself

2.4 Business skills: Collaboration

Listening: A brainstorming meeting to address falling sales

Pronunciation: Southern U.S. English pronunciation

Functional language: Promoting collaboration

Task: Leading and participating in meetings to agree on best ideas

2.5 Writing: E-mails – stating requirements

Model text: Email stating requirements

Functional language: Formal and less formal phrases for requirements and reasons

Grammar: Future Perfect Simple and Continuous

Task: Write a bulleted and non-bulleted email stating requirement

Business workshop 2: Try to see it my way

Listening: Conversations between call centre staff about training and communication issues

Task: Agree how to address problems between staff and managers based on survey findings

Writing: Guidelines for staff and managers


Unit 3.1 Mobile banking

Video: A mobile money service in Uganda

Vocabulary: Personal banking

Project: Banking preferences survey

Unit 3.2 Managing money

Listening: Two experiences of managing money

Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Pronunciation: Stress in phrasal verbs

Speaking and writing: Anecdotes about saving up or paying back money

Unit 3.3 Communication skills: Presentation styles

Listening: Two experiences of managing money

Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Pronunciation: Stress in phrasal verbs Speaking and writing: Anecdotes about saving up or paying back money

Unit 3.4 Business skills: Defending your ideas

Listening: Two experiences of managing money

Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Pronunciation: Stress in phrasal verbs Speaking and writing: Anecdotes about saving up or paying back money

Unit 3.5 Writing: Letter of complaint

Listening: Two experiences of managing money

Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Pronunciation: Stress in phrasal verbs

Speaking and writing: Anecdotes about saving up or paying back money

Business workshop 3: Managing your money

Listening: Two experiences of managing money

Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Pronunciation: Stress in phrasal verbs

Speaking and writing: Anecdotes about saving up or paying back money

Metody dydaktyczne: (tylko po angielsku)


Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

25% classwork

25% final exam

50% language platform (25% material completed; 25% correctness)



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