Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Język angielski IV [IRB4SP-SJO-A] Semestr letni 2020/2021
Ćwiczenia, grupa nr 429

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Przedmiot: Język angielski IV [IRB4SP-SJO-A]
Zajęcia: Semestr letni 2020/2021 [2021L] (zakończony)
Ćwiczenia [C], grupa nr 429 [pozostałe grupy]
Termin i miejsce: Podana informacja o terminie jest orientacyjna. W celu uzyskania pewnej informacji obejrzyj kalendarz roku akademickiego lub skontaktuj się z wykładowcą (nieregularności zdarzają się przede wszystkim w przypadku zajęć odbywających się rzadziej niż co tydzień).
każda środa, 14:40 - 17:30
sala Teams/Platon(online)
Vistula University jaki jest adres?
Terminy najbliższych spotkań: Daty odbywania się zajęć grupy. Prezentują informacje na podstawie zdefiniowanych w USOS terminów oraz spotkań.
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Wszystkie zajęcia tej grupy już się odbyły - pokaż terminy wszystkich spotkań.
Data i miejsceProwadzący
Liczba osób w grupie: 9
Limit miejsc: (brak danych)
Zaliczenie: Egzamin/zaliczenie na ocenę/zal w skali zal-std2
Prowadzący: Ewa Sawicka
Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Business Partner B1+ (Pearson Longman)

Supplementary readings Intermedia Language Practice, M. Vince

Zakres tematów: (tylko po angielsku)

1. Digital disruptors (5h)

Video: A disruptive marketing start-up

Vocabulary: digital business and technology

Project: disruptive technology

2. Talking technology (3,75 h)

Listening: Product presentations at a trade show

Grammar: Zero, first and second conditionals; Linkers

Speaking and writing: Trade show demonstration of an app

3. Communication skills (3,75 h)

Video: Handling difficult communicators

Task: Managing a difficult meeting successfully

4. Business skills: Negotiating strategies (3,75 h)

Listening: Positional and principled negotiation

Functional language: Reaching agreement in a negotiation

Task: Negotiating an agreement at work

5. Writing: Short business proposal (3,75 h)

Functional language: Useful phrases for business proposal

Grammar: Noun phrases to replace verb phrases

Task: Write a short proposal


6. Mid-course test

Performance and rewards (3,75 h)

Video: The cyber manager

Vocabulary: Rewarding performance

Project: Moving up in the company

7. Reading: How to develop a rewarding culture (3,75 h)

Grammar: Linking words and concessive clauses

Speaking: Concessions and compromises in your own life

8. Communication skills: Managing challenging feedback (3,75 h)

Video: Managing challenging feedback

Functional language: Responding to challenging feedback

Task: Responding to feedback from your manager

9. Business skills: Reviewing projects (3,75 h)

Listening: A project review meeting

Functional language: Leading and participating in review meetings

Task: A performance development workshop

10. Writing: Performance review Summary (3,75 h)

Model text: Performance review summary

Functional language: Positive comments and constructive criticism

11. Performance review summary (3,75 h)

Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Task: Write a performance review summary


12. Final test (2,5 h)

Metody dydaktyczne: (tylko po angielsku)

W1 The student knows and understands business vocabulary and expressions related to the field of international relations. Has elementary knowledge necessary to write texts - especially formulating research hypotheses, methods of proving them, using various source materials, correct analysis and inference; knows the legal rules of using someone else's works Taking notes. Grammar-lexical exercises. Tests P65 – WG



The student has the ability to present their own and others' views on socio-economic phenomena falling within the sphere of international relations interests (has the ability to communicate with the environment, also in a multicultural environment) Active participation in class. Discussions. Giving opinions IR-K6 – U05


The student can plan and organise work – individually, and in a team. Projects and groupwork IR-K6 – U06


K1 The student is ready to critically evaluate and use his/her knowledge; appreciates the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems. Self-study

IR-K6 – K01

K2 The student is ready to lead the team, inspire actions, and take responsibility for the actions taken. Team work, taking different roles IR-K6 – K04

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Elearning platform completed: 25%

Elearning platform correct: 25%

Partial tests 25%

Final Test: 25%



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